Muscalus = 26B
Denomination = 25c
Date = Handwritten Dec 14, 1841
Serial # = 1674
Plate Letter = A
Signed by = Harris for Secretary/Treasurer and Jones(?) for President
Rarity = not defined
Grade = VF
Notes = Albany, GA…ink stain at bottom left on obverse
Muscalus = 26B
Denomination = 25c
Date = Handwritten Dec 22, 1841
Serial # = 1731
Plate Letter = A
Signed by = Harris for Secretary/Treasurer and Jones(?) for President
Rarity = not defined
Grade = VF
Notes = Albany, GA…some foreign substance stains on reverse
Muscalus = 26A
Denomination = 25c
Date = Handwritten September 29, 1840
Serial # = N/A
Plate Letter = N/A
Signed by = Nelson Tift (Acting Secretary)
Rarity = not defined (thought to be 2 known)
Grade = VF
Notes = Company named hand-written on this 1830’s Albany Georgia remainder note
Muscalus = 26B
Denomination = 50c
Date = Handwritten May 10, 1841
Serial # = 106
Plate Letter = A
Signed by = Harris for Secretary/Treasurer and Jones(?) for President
Rarity = not defined
Grade = VF
Note = Clean example of a relatively rare note (maybe 20-25 known)
Muscalus = 26B
Denomination = 50c
Date = Handwritten July 5, 1841
Serial # = 172
Plate Letter = A
Signed by = Nelson Tift (Acting Secretary)/Treasurer and Jones(?) for President
Rarity = not defined
Grade = VF
Note = Clean example of a relatively rare note (maybe 20-25 known)
Muscalus = 26C
Denomination = 50c
Date = Handwritten September 29, 1840
Serial # = N/A
Plate Letter = N/A
Signed by = Nelson Tift (Acting Secretary)
Rarity = not defined (thought to be 1 known)
Grade = F
Notes = Company named hand-written on this 1830’s Albany Georgia remainder note. This example is the same noted used by Muscalus in 1975 (plate note)
Muscalus = Not documented
Denomination = $2
Date = Handwritten July 19, 1841
Serial # = 250
Plate Letter = A
Signed by = Harris for Secretary/Treasurer and Jones(?) for President
Rarity = not defined
Grade = F
Notes: Some repair work on bottom (fillers). This could be the only known example of this denomination. It isn’t documented in Muscalus’s catalog. Originally, this was sold at a Stack Bowers auction years ago (I am told.)